In Racko, vendors are the suppliers from whom you purchase goods and services. Maintaining accurate vendor records is crucial for efficient purchasing, accounts payable management, and supply chain operations.
- Vendors can be created, viewed, and managed from the Vendors list.
- Each vendor can have multiple addresses and contacts.
- Vendor information is automatically populated in purchasing transactions.
Creating a Vendor
To add a new vendor:
Navigate to Purchase > Vendor in the main menu.
Click on Add New on the top right.
Fill out the vendor form with the following information:
- Display Name: The primary identifier for the vendor (required)
- Company Name: The vendor's official company name (if different from Display Name)
- First Name, Last Name: The main contact's first and last name
- Role, Email, Phone Number, Website: Additional contact information
Enter address information:
Enter payment information:
- Payment Terms: Default payment terms for this vendor
- Account Number: Your account number with this vendor
- Currency: Default currency for transactions with this vendor
Enter contact information:
- Primary Contact: Name, title, email, phone numbers
- Additional Contacts: Can be added as needed
Add any internal notes or custom fields as needed
Click Save to create the vendor record
Managing Vendor Information
- Use the Addresses feature to manage multiple locations for a vendor.
- Each address can have its own contact information.
- Multiple contacts can be associated with a vendor.
- Each contact can have different roles or responsibilities.
- Racko automatically tracks which items are purchased from each vendor.
- View the list of items associated with a vendor in their profile.
Vendor History
- Use the Transaction History action to see all transactions associated with a specific vendor.
Vendor Messages
Vendor messages allow you to include standardized text in your purchase orders:
- Go to Company Settings > Vendor Messages to create predefined messages.
- When creating a purchase order, select a predefined message or enter a custom one.
- The message will appear on the purchase order sent to the vendor.
Best Practices
- Keep vendor information up-to-date, especially contact details and payment terms.
- Use internal notes to record important information about the vendor relationship.
- Regularly review vendor performance using the transaction history and reports.
- Utilize custom fields to track vendor-specific information relevant to your business.
- Set up default tax codes and payment terms for each vendor to streamline purchasing.
Related Features
For more detailed information on managing vendors and the purchasing process, please refer to the specific sections in this documentation.